I’m —
— a curious & determined design researcher
—— a collaborative & passionate creative technologist
——— an autonomous & resourceful UI/UX designer
———— a fan of productivity
————— a supporter of innovation culture
—————— on a mission to build a creator’s community



Research-driven Design

These projects leveraged various user research methods and tools to gain insights for solving a problem or improving existing services/products.
I started each project by defining a problem/goal/hypothesis and conducted preliminary user research using surveys/user interviews/simple prototype tests. From the insights, I redefined the initial problem and came out with new solutions. Then, I did prototyping of the idea and user testing (A/B testing, psychophysiological assessment, etc). The cycle repeated until the project finished.

Some projects have been published as either paper/poster in an international academic journal.


Conceptual Digital Art

These projects are my passion and creative pursuits. They are projects done outside my official work/school time.
I collaborated with other creators (DJs, Animators, Visual Artist, etc) to create a novel immersive multi-modal experience. As a team, our process always started with a concept that is either a story that we want people to experience or simply our personal creative curiosity. Then, we did quick prototyping to see how it feel, improved the experience, and redefined the concept. There’s a lot of back-and-forth testing to see what worked and not in this process.

Our works have been exhibited at a bar in Naka-Meguro and Roppongi Art Night 2019, Tokyo, Japan.


UI/UX Design

These projects are the fruits of my working experience. In the process, I started off by understanding the company’s product/service and analysing required features of the web/mobile app. Then, I did my own desk research to see the latest UI/UX trends and I sketched multiple combinations of app/web layout to produce the optimal UI design. Once decided, I moved to the actual design (adding icons, images, colors etc) of the app using tools like Adobe XD, Figma or Sketch. Finally, I created interactive prototype in XD or InVision to give directions to the programmer regarding the app experience.

Most of the works are designed for start-ups / new businesses in Singapore and Japan.